Board Members
Renée Scheltema
Founder of The New Normal Foundation. Filmmaker and Photographer
Yasin Amani
Treasurer of the Dutch foundation
Antoine Heideveld
Secretary of the Dutch Foundation
Ernst Vriesendorp
Chairman of the Dutch foundation
Edward T Hall III (Ted)
Chairman of the US Foundation
Lily Smith
Boardmember, Marketing and Communications. (US)
Honorary Board Members
His Royal Highness, Prince Carlos de Bourbon de Parme
Professor Dr. Jacqueline M.Cramer
Geosciences Utrecht ; Former Minister of Housing, & Environment
Professor Ir. N.D. (Klaas) van Egmond
Faculty Professor Geosciences at Utrecht University
Lindsey Allen
Executive Director of Rainforest Action Network (US)
Mary T Crowley
Founder and E.D. of Ocean Voyages Institute (US)
Sjoerd Riedstra
Owner Meeuwsen-Ten Hoopen Tax Consultants
Betsy Rosenberg
Environmental Talk Show Host. CBS Radio News Veteran. (US)
Bonnie Bibas
Founder of Pomegrant (US)
Hélène de Puy
Co-founder of Ode (now called The Optimist)
Dr Nina Dulabaum
Ph.D Psychology & Education (US)
Leila Rejali
Writer/performer with a focus on environmental issues
Cor Hellingman
Hellingman-Bunders Attorneys
Siebe Schootstra
Chief Editor ‘Energy and Media'